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VMC 3-Day Drum Circle Facilitators' Training

  • 11 Aug 2023
  • (MDT)
  • 13 Aug 2023
  • (MDT)
  • Alberta, Canada

Village Music Circles™ Basic Facilitator Training will empower you to build a rhythm community while exploring the foundational elements of drum circle facilitation.

Learn facilitation techniques and develop skills while gaining the confidence and knowledge to successfully lead a rhythm event. Packed with information and hands-on experience, both beginning and experienced facilitators will have plenty of opportunities for practicing new skills in a safe, supportive environment.

What does the program entail?

In 20+ hours of training, participants will have opportunities to practice facilitation techniques and skills needed to lead a drum circle event for a variety of populations.

This Playshop will include a mixture of teaching styles; incorporating instruction with discussions, small group and large group activities, and hands on learning – all while utilizing movement, voice, musical instruments, and rhythm games. Instructor will provide feedback in the group and privately as this is an important part of the learning process. Along with the hands on learning you’ll experience, there will be many opportunities for networking with other facilitators of many cultures, backgrounds, professions, and experience levels.

Early Bird Registration Rate – ends June 1st: $350 ($325 with Discount)

Regular Registration Rate – ends August 1st: $400 ($375 with Discount)

For more information / to register: https://www.rhythmrhythmrhythm.com/vmc-3-day-drum-circle-facilitators-training/

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